102 research outputs found

    Short directed cycles in bipartite digraphs

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    The Caccetta-H\"aggkvist conjecture implies that for every integer k1k\ge 1, if GG is a bipartite digraph, with nn vertices in each part, and every vertex has out-degree more than n/(k+1)n/(k+1), then GG has a directed cycle of length at most 2k2k. If true this is best possible, and we prove this for k=1,2,3,4,6k = 1,2,3,4,6 and all k224,539k\ge 224,539. More generally, we conjecture that for every integer k1k\ge 1, and every pair of reals α,β>0\alpha, \beta> 0 with kα+β>1k\alpha +\beta>1, if GG is a bipartite digraph with bipartition (A,B)(A,B), where every vertex in AA has out-degree at least βB\beta|B|, and every vertex in BB has out-degree at least αA\alpha|A|, then GG has a directed cycle of length at most 2k2k. This implies the Caccetta-H\"aggkvist conjecture (set β>0\beta>0 and very small), and again is best possible for infinitely many pairs (α,β)(\alpha,\beta). We prove this for k=1,2k = 1,2, and prove a weaker statement (that α+β>2/(k+1)\alpha+\beta>2/(k+1) suffices) for k=3,4k=3,4

    Piercing axis-parallel boxes

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    Let \F be a finite family of axis-parallel boxes in Rd\R^d such that \F contains no k+1k+1 pairwise disjoint boxes. We prove that if \F contains a subfamily \M of kk pairwise disjoint boxes with the property that for every F\in \F and M\in \M with FMF \cap M \neq \emptyset, either FF contains a corner of MM or MM contains 2d12^{d-1} corners of FF, then \F can be pierced by O(k)O(k) points. One consequence of this result is that if d=2d=2 and the ratio between any of the side lengths of any box is bounded by a constant, then \F can be pierced by O(k)O(k) points. We further show that if for each two intersecting boxes in \F a corner of one is contained in the other, then \F can be pierced by at most O(kloglog(k))O(k\log\log(k)) points, and in the special case where \F contains only cubes this bound improves to O(k)O(k)

    Pure pairs. I. Trees and linear anticomplete pairs

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    The Erdos-Hajnal Conjecture asserts that for every graph H there is a constant c > 0 such that every graph G that does not contain H as an induced subgraph has a clique or stable set of cardinality at least |G|^c. In this paper, we prove a conjecture of Liebenau and Pilipczuk, that for every forest H there exists c > 0, such that every graph G contains either an induced copy of H, or a vertex of degree at least c|G|, or two disjoint sets of at least c|G| vertices with no edges between them. It follows that for every forest H there is c > 0 so that if G contains neither H nor its complement as an induced subgraph then there is a clique or stable set of cardinality at least |G|^c

    Further approximations for Aharoni's rainbow generalization of the Caccetta-H\"{a}ggkvist conjecture

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    For a digraph GG and vV(G)v \in V(G), let δ+(v)\delta^+(v) be the number of out-neighbors of vv in GG. The Caccetta-H\"{a}ggkvist conjecture states that for all k1k \ge 1, if GG is a digraph with n=V(G)n = |V(G)| such that δ+(v)k\delta^+(v) \ge k for all vV(G)v \in V(G), then GG contains a directed cycle of length at most n/k\lceil n/k \rceil. Aharoni proposed a generalization of this conjecture, that a simple edge-colored graph on nn vertices with nn color classes, each of size kk, has a rainbow cycle of length at most n/k\lceil n/k \rceil. With Pelik\'anov\'a and Pokorn\'a, we showed that this conjecture is true if each color class has size Ω(klogk){\Omega}(k\log k). In this paper, we present a proof of the conjecture if each color class has size Ω(k){\Omega}(k), which improved the previous result and is only a constant factor away from Aharoni's conjecture. We also consider what happens when the condition on the number of colors is relaxed